[hatari-devel] Error in SetClock / ReadClock

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while comparing some IKBD results on a real STF with Hatari, I noticed an error.

On a real ST, if you write :

$1b, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06  (setclock)

then sending readclock $1c immediatly will return

$fc, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06

-> we get the same bytes

But on Hatari, we get :

$fc, $b2, $12, $22, $13, $15, $20

same test a few minutes later returns :

$fc, $b2, $12, $22, $13, $28, $21

a few seconds later :

$fc, $b2, $12, $22, $13, $28, $43

Is there a problem with the time(NULL) / nTimeOffset / localtime conversion ? Something seems wrong, it seems the setclock is ignored and the returned bytes are based on the real time, which shouldn't be the case.
This should always return the same bytes in that case.


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