Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari UI with Qt?

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Le 26/11/2012 15:19, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

So, if Qt would be the primary UI for Hatari on all platforms, how
the users would select disk images within zip archives with that?

I don't know if it should be the primary. Later, when enough function are added, maybe it can supersede the SDL one.

Are you saying that:
- instead of Qt fsel user should get SDL fsel,
- user needs to be able to use SDL GUI within Qt GUI,
- that you have a volunteer for adding zip archive support to Qt fsel,
- Hatari readme should point users to WinZip etc download sites, or
- Hatari should have separate UI for extracting disk images from

I think any users knows what is a zip file. The problem is more in the level of automation we give them to handle zip file.

We can add a section in the readme to point users to different solutions for their platform (winzip/winrar for windows to transparently browse zip file, under linux some plugins allow kde/gnome to do the same, ...)

I agree with you that adding support in QT ourselves would be a waste of time. But we can keep the SDL support now that it's here.


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