Re: [hatari-devel] Problem with Hatari 1.6.2 and EmuTOS 192K ROMs

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On 12/10/2012 22:48, Eero Tamminen wrote:
Does EmuTOS call IKBD_Cmd_SetClock() before IKBD_Cmd_ReadClock()
with some wierd value?

Very possible.

When there is no NVRAM or Mega ST clock, EmuTOS assumes that there is only the IKBD clock, which is not battery backed up. So as a default, it initializes the IKBD clock with the ROM build date, at 00:00:00.

IMHO EmuTOS should set the date only if the IKBD date is not set, but I don't know how to detect that.

Anyway, Hatari should not crash.

Isn't Cygwin supposed to implement POSIX whereas MinGW is
wrapper around Windows libraries?

Yes. This is an example.


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