Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAE settings for different machine types

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On 23/05/2012 22:23, Eero Tamminen wrote:
In that case, maybe we can have different behaviour when switching
between machines depending on the fact that the user is using hatari
compiled with uae core, or using the hatari_falcon version using the
winuae core ? (using the #define ENABLE_WINUAE_CPU)

That's exactly what I was proposing above.

OK, I didn't understand you were talking about using #ifdef conditions for this variable.

Well my opinino on this is that any code or new behaviour that is enabled when ENABLE_WINUAE_CPU is OK with me.

But on the contrary, I think nothing should be changed in the code or in the cpu parameters when ENABLE_WINUAE_CPU is not defined.

STF/STE mode is considered rather stable for user ; Falcon is also getting more stability but it's also to be considered the "experimental" branch when it comes to cpu core. So, changing behaviour in that case is ok IMO.

Maybe hatari should have a bCompatibleCpu_winuae variable to separate both cpu core ?


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