Re: [hatari-devel] Zombi

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On perjantai 11 toukokuu 2012, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> Le 11/05/2012 08:42, Thomas Huth a écrit :
> > Ok, I've implemented IKBD set-clock now, so Zombi is working now. I
> > had to save a new variable to the memory snapshots, so they are
> > incompatible with 1.6.0 now. Anyway, looking at the release notes,
> > there are really a lot of changes already, ... Nicolas, did you maybe
> > also consider to name the next release 1.7.0 already instead of 1.6.2?
> There're some changes, but not some major additions IMO, more some fix
> to already existing code, so I'd prefer keeping 1.6.2

Laurent's Videl borders implementation is a new feature, not just
a bug fix.  It's also a change with potential performance impact
as statusbar is now updated on every frame for Videl.

It seems to be missing from release notes though...

And the Falcon screen size being returned to earlier (v1.4) size
is also user visible behaviour change, not a bug fix.

> For next version, depending on the time I'll have, I might be able to
> add some new code/rewrite that could justify a 1.7.0

	- Eero

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