Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAE settings for different machine types

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On 21/05/2012 22:29, Eero Tamminen wrote:
This one (bCompatibleCpu) is a setting shared (in config file) with old CPU.

I'm not sure I should touch it as old CPU settings don't touch it when
selecting Falcon mode.   Nicolas?

in old cpu core, this uses m68k_run_1 instead of m68k_run_2.
m68k_run_1 is the more accurate version, with prefetch and better exception/stack/cycles result.
In WinUAE core, it also set better/more accurate prefect mode.

I think many games' protection (or the games themselves) as well as many demos won't work if bCompatibleCpu is not set. I would recommend to set it to false only for TOS/GEM program that don't expect a complete cpu emulation wrt to cycles and "exotic" features.

On the other hand, I don't think there's a really measurable impact when setting this always to true (in my case, it's set to TRUE in my config file).

So, if this is needed for better falcon results, I think we should set its defaut value to "TRUE" in configuration.c for all the machines.

IMO, we should have Hatari with some default settings that ensure maximum accuracy (that is, the less possible troubles for a user who just want to load a disk and don't care for the config options). If the user later wants to use less cpu, that it will be up to him to disable accurate options (cpu, lower sound freq, ...)


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