Re: [hatari-devel] Re: reverting Max window size setting to Hatari v1.4 size?

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Le 25/01/2012 23:49, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

So, leaving apart extended VDI/falcon mode with really extra large
resolution, and just focusing on STF/STE, I would propose the following
settings :

low res : - zoom X (yes/no, to double X res)
            - zoom Y (yes/no, to double Y res)

mid res : - zoom Y (yes/no, to double Y res)  (only zoom Y, width
		is already 640 pixels)

Why somebody would want a squashed resolution where medrez isn't zoomed
vertically or lowrez is zoomed only in one direction?

No real monitor on Atari showed such a thing.

Why not ? The fact is not that any real monitor allowed it, but you might sometime have too many windows on your screen, and you still want to have the Hatari window visible without overlapping other windows ; in that case, zooming some parts but not other could a solution (for example, let's say you just want to listen to YM music from Hatari, but don't care about the display except for choosing songs in the B.I.G. Demo)

borders (common to low/med/hi res)
	  - left border : no or a number of pixels (multiple of 16)
	  - right border : no or a number of pixels (multiple of 16)
	  - top border : no or a number of pixels
	  - bottom border : no or a number of pixels

No more reference to an absolute number of pixels for X or Y, I don't
think that an useful information : the user wants bigger window and
borders or not.

In which case user wouldn't want to see everything, when borders
are enabled?

Only case I can think for this is where all of these are true:
* User runs Hatari in a mobile phone which resolution isn't
   large enough for everything
* Current Hatari code which clips the content from center of
   the full area hides some potentially interesting thing in
   one of the borders
* User knows it's there and wants to offset Hatari on his screen
   so that he sees this interesting thing

I think this is very much of a corner-case.

The problem is that Hatari only renders width multiple of 16 pixels, but a real overscan line is not multiple of 16 px when you look at the right and left border. So either you see too much, or you see too little. Some people could be interested to choose their own border size (I agree this is less true for top/bottom borders). Especially, if we consider Hatari could be of use to the remaining coders in the ST scene, being able to change the border size can be really useful.


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