Re: [hatari-devel] Bugfix Hatari 1.6.1 has been released

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On 14/01/2012 00:59, Bob Carpenter wrote:
I compiled 1.6.1 for the Mac. However, I noticed that if I change the
monitor type from color to mono and allow Hatari to reset the emulator,
Hatari will crash. If I set the monitor type to mono, save my config,
and exit Hatari, then it boots fine into mono.

That is the only problem I see so far. I was curious whether it can be
repeated in Windows or Linux.


under Linux, I don't get any crash when switching from color to mono. So I guess it's a combination between OSX and the SDL library, but I can't help you on this, I don't have a mac.

Maybe other people who build the OSX version don't have this problem and can help you.


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