Re: [hatari-devel] VDI mode broken (memvalid settings again)

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On 23/12/2011 21:35, Thomas Huth wrote:
Am Fri, 23 Dec 2011 11:32:14 +0100
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède<npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I don't know if this would cover all the cases.
Else, we can revert  the patch from stMemory.c and see what can be
done after 1.6 is released (as yolanda is quite a piece of crap, I
don't think it deserve to ruin the rest of the emulation :) )

Maybe we should at least have a possibility for the user to turn on the
memvalid patching again in case there are other circumstances where
this is needed ... ? So either another configuration option or revert
the fast-boot patch? What do you think?


Given the multiple regressions we saw lately and the fact 1.6 should be released soon, I think it would be better to revert stMemory.c, as well as setting fastboot to on again. We could add a memvalid option, but I'm afraid it would confuse the user ; I think it would be better to look more closely to each issue related to memvalid, see what it requires to make them work without fastboot/memvalid and clean this for next 1.7 release.


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