Re: [hatari-devel] VDI mode broken (memvalid settings again) |
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On 23/12/2011 00:14, Thomas Huth wrote:
Hi all,
I just tried to run latest hg version of Hatari with VDI mode enabled:
./hatari --vdi 1
but apparently this does not work anymore -- only the uppermost part of
the screen is used.
Apparently this is due to the memvalid settings again, when enabling
them always again in stMemory.c, VDI mode works fine again.
Now AFAIK there are three cases where emulation is broken due to
memvalid settings:
- Matthias reported problems with the GEMDOS HD emulation
- TT mode has problems
- VDI resolution mode is broken
I think we should maybe reconsider the fast-boot / memvalid settings.
Maybe we should leave them enabled by default for now until all
problems are fixed?
In order to keep games such as yolanda working, maybe we could force
memvalid as before if :
- cpu is not 68000, or freq is not 8 MHz
- or tos is >= 3 or Emutos
- or vdi mode is enabled
- or machine is not STF or STE
The idea would be that a config with 68000 + tos 1.xx or 2.xx would not
do to the memvalid in fastboot mode (which should cover the case of a
user only wanting to play games/demos).
This would leave the gemdos hd problem ; in my case it's always enabled,
even if I just run demos or games. Some demos already require to turn hd
emul off, so it could be the same for yolanda.
I don't know if this would cover all the cases.
Else, we can revert the patch from stMemory.c and see what can be done
after 1.6 is released (as yolanda is quite a piece of crap, I don't
think it deserve to ruin the rest of the emulation :) )