Am Thu, 15 Dec 2011 18:20:31 +0100
schrieb Matthias Arndt<marndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Am Donnerstag, den 15.12.2011, 18:10 +0100 schrieb Nicolas Pomarède:
Check that your IDE has an option to automatically convert
consecutives spaces to tabs, so they're exported as tabs later (and
use 8 spaces per tab for Hatari, that the setting everywhere)
Yes, I now see that the files are indented with TABs and not spaces,
however I setup my IDE to use spaces instead of TABs.
Modern editors (like "geany" that I am using) usually feature the
possibility to auto-detect the indentation style of every file that is
opened. At least there should be the possibility to display
TABs with a slightly different color (or even symbol) than spaces, so
you can see when you mix spaces and tabs by accident. Everything else is
coding-style-hara-kiri when your working on multiple OSS projects in