[hatari-devel] Proposal to introduce a configuration for a code formatting tool |
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Hello together,
as my recent joystick subsystem patch triggered another case of coding
style and formatting, I want to make a proposal.
To keep formatting and indenting of the code clean and always the same,
I suggest that we add a fixed configuration file for a formatting tool
like Artistic Style or GNU Indent to the repository.
That way every user could reformat any C file to a defined Hatari
standard. This could fix things like "indent with 8 spaces instead TAB
characters" and deal with placement of braces.
I even think that esp Artistic Style allows to keep current settings
unless configured to change them.
Matthias Arndt <marndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
PGP-Key: http://www.final-memory.org/files/marndt.asc
Jabber: simonsunnyboy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx