Re: [hatari-devel] Proposal to introduce a configuration for a code formatting tool |
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Le 15/12/2011 18:20, Matthias Arndt a écrit :
Yes, I now see that the files are indented with TABs and not spaces, however I setup my IDE to use spaces instead of TABs. For strange reasons, people seem unable to agree what's better. Most opinions go for "spaces instead of TAB", I personally preferred TAB for years aswell.
As hatari uses tabs of 8 spaces, that's the setting to use when working on hatari's files (note that in your patch, some lines are indented with tabs, other with spaces, so you didn't have the same setting everywhere).
But this leads back to the original proposal, having a defined standard that can be applied before commit will resolve this at ease. I will make a test and create a test configuration for astyle and see how large the differences are if applied to most .c files in Hatari.
For now, using tabs of 8 spaces seems enough for most problems related to indenting.
regards Nicolas
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