Re: [hatari-devel] TT mono mode Timer-C problem

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On 17/12/2011 10:35, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

yes, it's a known limitation that at the moment the interrupt events are
expecting the cpu clock to be 8 MHz. If you use 16 or 32 MHz, interrupts
won't be good.
This will be fixed some day, as it can also impact falcon mode, but for
now all the interrupts events are "locked" to the cpu freq (instead of
the master bus freq on a real ST/TT/Falcon)

Hmm, I replied too quickly. Hatari will always emulate an 8 MHz cpu clock, cpu freq is simulted by dividing cpu cycles by 2 or 4.

So the MFP timers are always good when you change cpu speed (you can check this with tos 1.04, your program runs fine in color or mono, with 8/16/32 cpu freq).

It seems emutos computes $4ba in a different way in mono mode, maybe it doesn't use the same 200 Hz timer as in color ?


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