Re: [hatari-devel] TT mono mode Timer-C problem

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On 17/12/2011 11:29, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:

That's a big question I have also in mind since a few weeks, but as for
now the priority is on the ST demos debugging, I didn't want to bother.

I don't like the fact to divide cycles by 2 or 4 to change the CPU
speed, as timers are impacted.
It may explain the difficulty to synch well the crossbar in all cpu
spped modes and same for the DSP.

I would enjoy to have a normal cycles CPU with correct cycles in all
case and VBL timings changing according to the real number.
The timers would be "static" 500 Khz, 25 Mhz, 32 Mhz, ...

Let's see this after the 1.6


except this is very difficult to do ; there's no magic involved in a real ST, if you change the cpu freq (by changing the analog cristal used to get the master 32 Mhz freq), many things won't work anymore : - video will not work, because the vbl/hbl timings are coming from the master clock
 - ym2149 will sound wrong for the same reason
- fdc won't work correctly (the 8 Mhz freq is derived from the master 32 MHz freq) - mfp will still work, because it uses another cristal -> that's what I need to change to keep correct mfp timings

So, as a real ST "chooses" one of its components to be the master freq for all other clocks and then divide by 2, 4, 8, etc. to get "sub" clocks, we need to do the same in the emulation.

Emulating a real bus would require to emulate a 32 MHz component, it would be really costy in term of performance. So, the choice made in many (all ?) emulators is to use the cpu freq as the main freq.

Theorically, there should be no noticeable error when doing so, it's perfectly possible to emulate all other components that are an integer multiple of the cpu freq (mfp for example doesn't fall in this category, it has its own external cristal). If there're error, then it's due to error in the emulation itself, not in the choice of the cpu as the main freq.

The way we do it in Hatari is correct, it's just that some abstraction layers to transform one freq into another and keep correct ratio when changing cpu speed were never really put in place, because they mostly concern falcon emulation and focus was on STF/STE emulation.

Nicolas, I don't think I'll have to change more things before the 1.6,
so, you can release as it is for the falcon part for now.
(There's still too much work on the 68030 cycles to expect something in
the next week).

OK, I'd like to complete a few things, but I might have some spare time in 7-10 days to do a release.



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