Re: [hatari-devel] Bugtracker proposal

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On keskiviikko 07 joulukuu 2011, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> I think that between 2 releases, we might encounter a lot of problems,
> but they will usually be fixed before releasing, so only a limited
> number of issues would remain in the end (maybe 20-30 games/demos from
> what I remember now, so not that much, games often tend to be fixed more
> quickly because the remaining demos problems require a lower level
> emulation with more "details").
> Given that the list would be rather small, I think an HTML file might be
> too "big" for that ; adding this to the "todo.txt" seems more
> reasonnable to me.
> In the same way, I think we could add a more detailled description in
> the release-notes.txt file,

The bugs could move from todo.txt to release-notes.txt when they're fixed....

> with a full (or at least big enough) list of
> all games/demos/programs that are known to be fixed with this specific
> release : many users might not know that fixing FDC or shifter for
> example imply that game A or demo B now works.

Sounds good to me!

Matthias, could you provide the initial content for todo.txt bugs list?

> Some users could also know that game A is broken since hatari 1.4, so by
> looking at release-notes.txt they could see immediatly if the release
> fixes it.

This reminds me that your recent fixes to hatari don't have any mention
in the release-notes.txt. ;-)

	- Eero

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