[hatari-devel] Bugtracker proposal

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regarding the fact that we don't have an official bugtracker for Hatari
now. I suggest that we simply keep an HTML file along with the
documentation and update it. 

This would have the following advantages:

a) bugs are listed
b) users can access the bug list easily even if they have no web access
c) no infrastructure required (and taking at the number of bugs
reported, keeping track of them shouldn't be too hard)

I would simply propose a table with the following entries:

ID  Description Filed-by Status

I volunteer to provide the first sketch of this table.

Matthias Arndt <marndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
PGP-Key: http://www.final-memory.org/files/marndt.asc
Jabber: simonsunnyboy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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