Re: [hatari-devel] MiNT on Hatari

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It would be interresting to test again on Falcon with the new CPU as now, MMU is activated (test with prefetch activated, cycles exact disabled and later enebled (just to see if this works in all case)).

You must disable the MMU in the GUI (it's only for the 68040 cpu, the 68030 MMU is enabled by default with the 68030 cpu).

68040 MMU doesn't work at all for now.



Le 12/12/2011 22:41, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On lauantai 10 joulukuu 2011, Matthias Arndt wrote:
I just wanted to post that Hatari seems to run atleast the 68000 version
of MiNT. I have not tried with a recent build yet but an older 1.17
alpha release of FreeMiNT and its XaAES (I got it from a packet from
Marcer's GameDVD), do run with Hatari.

I had to use (ofcourse) a harddisk image, other stteing were STE 4MB and
TOS 1.62de
I guess compatibility list could mention that also MiNT 68000 version
works under Hatari ST emulation.

Without NVDI it is a bit slooow but with NVDI4 running it could actually
be usable.

Maybe we can make MiNT work aswell in 020 or higher mode?
Hatari compatibility list TT/Falcon utilities section has listed MiNT as
working under Hatari already since v1.2:
   "Needs to be installed/booted from an ACSI or IDE HD image and memory
    protection needs to be disabled (Hatari UAE core doesn't emulate MMU)"

Is there some problem with newer MiNT versions?

	- Eero

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