[hatari-devel] MiNT on Hatari

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I just wanted to post that Hatari seems to run atleast the 68000 version
of MiNT. I have not tried with a recent build yet but an older 1.17
alpha release of FreeMiNT and its XaAES (I got it from a packet from
Marcer's GameDVD), do run with Hatari.

I had to use (ofcourse) a harddisk image, other stteing were STE 4MB and
TOS 1.62de

Without NVDI it is a bit slooow but with NVDI4 running it could actually
be usable.

Maybe we can make MiNT work aswell in 020 or higher mode?

Matthias Arndt <marndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
PGP-Key: http://www.final-memory.org/files/marndt.asc
Jabber: simonsunnyboy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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