Re: [hatari-devel] Recent changes to GEMDOS harddisk emulation?

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Le 22/12/2011 18:26, Matthias Arndt a écrit :

just for another testcase.

I now mounted my SD card for the SatanDisk which has the very same AUTO
folder order and contents, as well as the 1:1 NVDI install.

Hatari booted normally without displaying the access errors here if I
setup the SD card /dev/sdc as the emulated ACSI image.

It mus be connected with those changes to fastboot behaviour or
something else which digs into TOS (esp if the GEMDOS emulation has not
been touched since October or so)


does it work again if you revert the memvalid patch :

--- a/src/stMemory.c	Wed Aug 17 23:18:47 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/stMemory.c	Sun Nov 27 23:07:43 2011 +0100
@@ -129,8 +129,11 @@
 	STMemory_WriteLong(0x00, STMemory_ReadLong(TosAddress));
 	STMemory_WriteLong(0x04, STMemory_ReadLong(TosAddress+4));

-	/* Fill in magic numbers, so TOS does not try to reference MMU */
-	if (ConfigureParams.System.bFastBoot
+	/* Fill in magic numbers to bypass TOS' memory tests in the case */
+	/* of EmuTOS or if more than 4 MB of ram are used */
+	/* (those tests should not be bypassed in the common STF/STE cases */
+	/* as some programs rely on the RAM content after those tests) */
+	if ((ConfigureParams.System.bFastBoot && bIsEmuTOS)
 	    || (ConfigureParams.Memory.nMemorySize > 4 && !bIsEmuTOS))
 		/* Write magic values to sysvars to signal valid config */

(remove '+' line from stMemory.c and put '-' lines instead)

Am Dienstag, den 20.12.2011, 17:23 +0100 schrieb Matthias Arndt:
Am Montag, den 19.12.2011, 23:54 +0200 schrieb Eero Tamminen:

On maanantai 19 joulukuu 2011, Matthias Arndt wrote:
Am Montag, den 19.12.2011, 00:16 +0200 schrieb Eero Tamminen:
On sunnuntai 18 joulukuu 2011, Matthias Arndt wrote:
Screenshot attached, STEEM and versions of Hatari dated November 2001
or older did not have the problems.

The named .OVL is located in C:\AUTO\, the missing NVDI parts in C:
\GEMSYS\ as always...

What "hatari --trace gemdos ..." shows?

Thanks for the suggestion.

Trace attached. It seems TOS tries to check drive A: for files
even if all is on C:

E.g. paths from which RSC files are searched depends on which TOS
version you're using.  Same could apply to file paths in general.

Have you verified you're using same TOS version with STEEM and Hatari?

(A: is empty)

But as the paths which use "a:\" are in lower case, I don't think they come
from TOS, I think it's calvino.prg itself doing that for some reason.

If you mail me (directly) a tarball or zip of the files that should be
read, I could look a bit more into it.

	- Eero

It's the same TOS 2.06de image i'm using since early 2000 or so.
It is definitly the same TOS image for STEEM and Hatari. The virtual
harddisk is also the same, and the very harddisk contents also boot 100%
on my real STE, also with TOS2.06 and 4MB setting.

(I sync my SD card for the Satandisk regularly with the virtual harddisk
and vice versa)

The setting worked with Hatari. My last build for local use beside
testing had a baseline aroudn beginning of November, until i compiled a
version with my recent joystick patch and all other updates.

It still works with STEEM, the program calvino is not at fault, it works
on a real STE in the same setting (for 4 or 5 years)!


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