[hatari-devel] Latest improvements with the new falcon CPU |
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I take 5 minutes to list the changes I made in the new CPU (for the 1.6
I have no access to my computer for now, so, Eero, if you could add this
to the compatibility, release notes and todo list, I would be pleased.
For the new CPU :
It's still experimental for now.
I've added the falcon 68030 cycles accuracy (not yet finished), but it
covers more than 90% of the instructions.
some instructions are still not covered by the change (MMU anf FPU
instructions, TRAPcc, DBxx, and a few other ones). I'll add them in january.
I'll have to rework the instruction cache management (for cycles
accuracy) --> January.
More DSP <-> CPU accuracy.
Correctly working demos, games and applis :
All the demos that needed CPU32 to work are now correctly working at 16
Mhz (lostBlubb by lazer, Eko system, ...)
Some timing sensitive demos are working correctly (Rot3DBMP, bounds2,3,
4...) and a very good game : Crown of Creation V1.3
Some programs are still in regression (Moai 96 works with the old CPU,
but not yet with the new one).
I've given some program examples, I haven't tested all of them.
I think that as long as the new CPU won't be finished, we'll have to
suggest to test Falcon programs with the 2 CPUs.
One should try the Falcon programs he wants to see with old and new CPU.
My Todo list for the 1.7 release :
- Finish to complete Falcon 68030 cycles accuracy
- work on the Videl emulation (I started it last summer, I've got ideas
on this point I'd like to implement)
My Todo list for later releases :
- finish the hd_6301_cpu code
- "perfect" falcon emu
Things I won't do (not really interrested in):
- SCSI emulation
For this latest point, I think we could ask help in atari forum.
There may be someone interrested and competent in SCSI emulation that
could help us and would like to have this into hatari.
Best regards to all Hatari people,