[gluon] Gluon translated by KDE's translation teams?

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Gluon (libraries for developing nice 2D games - based on Qt/KDE) should become part of kdegames in KDE SC 4.4.[1]

In 4.5 it is not listed.

It is not developed on KDE's SVN but on gitorious.[2] So Amarok-like linking should be possible.

I asked on Gluon's mailing list in September 2009: "And as a translator of kdegames (German team) I have to ask whether, when and where (KDE's SVN?) Gluon's GUIs will be translatable?" But I have not received an answer till now.[3]

So I am asking again: "Who is responsible for translation? KDE's translation teams or Gluon's (not present) translation teams?"


PS: I am sending this request to kde-i18n-doc and gluon mailing list and hope I get an answer and we find a solution this time.

[1] http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.4_Feature_Plan#kdegames
[2] http://gitorious.org/gluon/
[3] http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/lists.tuxfamily.org/gluon/2009/09/msg00011.html

Gluon is a high-level game development library for the KDE desktop enviornment.

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