Re: [eledmac] sameword and lemma

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Using [inlemma] is strictly equivalent to using [1,2,3…n] where n is the number of level.

What is important is that a \sameword{} in a \lemma{} get the equivalent \sameword{} in the first argument of the \edtext{} in which the \lemma{} is.

So in the case of the example you were surprised that [inlemma] was working:
- the first SW is not inside the \edtext{} of level 2. So no problem to use [inlemma].
- the second SW is both the \edtext{} of level 1 and of level 2. But as you use only one \edtext{} in the lemma of level 1, the fact that you misuse [inlemma] does not matter.

Now, try the following one
 \edtext{some \sameword[inlemma]{SW},
			\edtext{\sameword[inlemma]{SW} and another \sameword{SW} and \sameword[inlemma]{SW}}{%
				\lemma{\sameword{SW} … \sameword{SW}}%
				\Afootnote{some note}}
      	and again \sameword{SW}, it is all %
			\Afootnote{single occurence}}
      {\lemma{some \sameword{SW} \ldots{} \sameword{SW} etc}\Afootnote{critical note}}.

I have taken you example with [inlemma] in all case, but added a \sameword{SW} before the `etc` in your last \lemma (as you have done for the example with number…)

and you can see that there is problem with the number of SW before the etc in note.

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