Re: [eledmac] Split the handbook in two files

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Le 15 mai 2015 à 15:58, Nikos Agiotis <nikagiotis@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Hi! I think that splitting the handbook is an excellent idea. If I may suggest, It would be most helpfull to adjunct in the new version of the handbook a list with projects being edited by means of eledmac (or ledmac). In this way you would get a good picture regarding the potential of eledmac in specific fields of research and we (the users) would be in position to know who deals with similar projects/questions/problems to our own.
> This in turn would inhance a better understanding of what is desirable in regard to the future use of eledmac.

I would like to do that, but I have no such list. The only do I can thing (and that I already do) is to refer to this page

Users should complete it. But I can do it for them :)
> Where can I give you feedback for the reledmac project?


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