Re: [eigen] Sparse Arrays for Eigen?

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first of all, sorry for some inaccurate answers in my previous mail -- these were mostly from memory on parts I haven't used for a while ...

On 2016-01-20 01:39, Elizabeth Fischer wrote:
Thank you for your explanation, which spurred me to look deeper into the
code.  My hats off to conservative_sparse_sparse_product_impl(), I learned
a new algorithm reading it.  Do you have a reference to this in the

For a reference on sparse matrix methods, I liked the book
"Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems (Fundamentals of Algorithms)"
by Timothy A. Davis. The book is essentially the reference to the CSparse library, which formed the basis for some of our first sparse algorithms (for the matrix-matrix-product the masking was done slightly different, but essentially is equivalent) -- relative to it's size (and it's age) I find it a bit overpriced, though (but that's often the case for scientific books ...)

With that in mind, I conclude that SpSparse doesn't in fact have much to
offer Eigen --- beyond the general idea of sparse tensors, which I agree
have dubious application.  Maybe there's something there for assembling
matrices, but there are probably also 100 ways to do that.

If there is an input-method you want Eigen::Sparse to have, we are generally open to include it (if it's reasonably useful).


 Dipl. Inf., Dipl. Math. Christoph Hertzberg

 Universität Bremen
 FB 3 - Mathematik und Informatik
 AG Robotik
 Robert-Hooke-Straße 1
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