Re: [eigen] Failing tests in 3.0.2 release

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I agree that GCC 4.2.1 sucks and that it's not a great loss to stop
supporting it, since its being abandoned anyway. However, I'd say that
supporting Clang is a good idea, starting with the new Apple SDKs its
the default compiler. Thus, the geo_quaternion tests warrant a closer
look, IMHO.

Since we are talking Apple and Clang related: could the patch of Bug
347 be pushed by any chance? Maybe after a review?


On 21 September 2011 10:18, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 2011/9/20 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> Default MacOSX's compilers sucks, _a lot_, I'll mark them as
>> unsupported and recommend to use macports' gcc. We could even try to
>> detect them via predefined macros and issue an error or maybe just a
>> big warning. Eigen is not the only C++ projects to have troubles with
>> these compiler.
> It's sad if we have to drop support for Apple's GCC 4.2.1 while we
> otherwise still support GCC 3.4 but if you say it's a too big
> maintainance burden, and nobody else steps up to be the Apple GCC
> savior, then so be it.
> If you're going to issue a warning or an error, please only make it an
> error if you know for sure that it's going to fail to compile anyway.
> Let's not make the problem worse...
> Apple decided to stay for a very long time with GCC 4.2.1 just out of
> irrational anti-GPL3 ideology (GCC 4.2.1 was the last pre-GPL3
> version). The FSF on its side should really have waited for the next
> major release to do the license change!! When you're stuck between the
> FSF and Apple, I guess you're in trouble.
> Disappointing to hear that there also are problems with Apple's Clang.
> Benoit
>>> Less reproducible test errors (usually do not appear within default 10
>>> repetitions but within e.g. 100 or 1000 repetitions):
>>> ============
>>> Eigensolver_complex_4:    MacOSX GCC 4.2.1 64bit Release
>>> geo_hyperplane_1:         clang 3.0 64bit Release/Debug, VC10 32bit Debug,
>>> VC8 64bit Debug
>>> geo_quaternion_1:         Linux GCC 4.4.3 64bit Release/Debug
>>> geo_quaternion_2:         Linux GCC 4.4.3 64bit Release/Debug, Mac GCC 4.2.1
>>> 64bit Release
>>> jacobisvd_3:              MacOSX GCC 4.2.1 64bit Release
>>> qr_colpivoting_1:         MacOSX GCC 4.2.1 64bit Release
>>> qr_colpivoting_3:         MacOSX clang 3.0 64bit Release
>>> qr_colpivoting_5:         Linux GCC 4.4.3 64bit Release
>>> umeyama_5:                MacOSX GCC 4.2.1 64bit Release, VC9 64bit Debug
>> Probably nothing really serious, but it makes sense to look more
>> closely into them. Feel free to report a bug about them.
>> Gael.
>>> I guess the compile errors for VC8/9 32bit as well as the well reproducible
>>> test errors with clang and GCC Debug on Mac may be considered as bugs and I
>>> should post bugs for them? However, I am not sure about the less
>>> reproducible errors. Should I post bugs for them as well or is it to be
>>> expected that the tests may fail from time to time?
>>> Regards, Michael

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