Re: [eigen] Problem inverting a Matrix4f with Eigen 2.0.0

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2010/7/19 Jitse Niesen <jitse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Sat, 17 Jul 2010, Benoit Jacob wrote:
>> If (lhs * solution - rhs) is small compared to rhs, then what more
>> could you ask for?
>> It might be that lhs is ill-conditioned but (perhaps just by chance)
>> your solution is still good.
> Exactly. And in that case you want to know that the lhs is ill-conditioned,
> because it means that rounding and other errors in the construction of the
> lhs will have a big effect on the solution.

OK, I understand.

> Perhaps a better reason is what Helmut said. One measure for the accuracy of
> the solution x_computed, as computed by Eigen, is the distance to the true
> solution, x_true. The relative error in the solution is bounded in terms of
> the residual by
>  | x_computed - x_true | / | x_true | <= \kappa(A) | r | / | b |
> where r = A x_computed - b is the residual and \kappa(A) is the condition
> number, | A | * | A^{-1} |.

Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I had understood part of that in my
reply to Helmut but still couldn't see where the actual condition
number came into play. Thanks!

>> ok, honestly I think I understand what you mean, so here is my more
>> serious answer. I understand you mean that it is still useful to
>> compute condition numbers and not just residuals, because in some
>> situations you know that your condition number should never be higher
>> than a certain value, so you want to check that to detect potential
>> problems that could have happened earlier (leading to the formation of
>> this ill-conditioned matrix).
> I hadn't actually thought of this. I'm not that such situations arise often
> in practice.


>> I am tempted to leave that for the user to do, because this is a
>> really advanced use case and even in the context of a given
>> decomposition, there are different inequivalent notions of condition
>> numbers. For example in the case of LU, in this discussion we've
>> already seen 3 inequivalent notions of condition number:
>> - max/min absolute value of diagonal coeff of U
>> - matrix.L1_norm() / inverse.L1_norm()   (as proposed by LAPACK)
>> - matrix.Linf_norm() / inverse.Linf_norm()   (as proposed by LAPACK too)
>> and this is only considering the condition numbers that can be
>> computed directly from LU! Not even mentioning the "good" condition
>> number max/min singval...
> For the second and third one, how is the user supposed to compute these?
> LAPACK does not actually construct the inverse, because that costs O(n^3)
> even if you have the LU decomposition.


> Instead, LAPACK does something
> smarter which costs not much more than computing the residual and gives you
> an estimate; the book of Golub and Van Loan has a description of the
> algorithm. It is this *estimate* that I'd like to see in Eigen; it's a
> nontrivial algorithm with (I believe) many use cases.

I see. Sounds reasonable! Do I understand correctly that it would be
OK to add as a new, separate method in existing decomposition classes,
i.e. that it would not require changing any existing API?

> I agree that it is not
> very useful to have a one-line function which just computes A.someNorm() *
> A.inverse().someNorm(),

OK. What I didn't know was that there existed a nontrivial algorithm
giving a good, quick estimate for that.

>> Unfortunately, the different notions of condition numbers can give
>> really different orders of magnitude, at least for large matrices.
> Yes, there are several things that can go wrong. One is the fact that the
> norms are inequivalent, as you point out; it's tempting to conclude that the
> error in the solution is small in the 2-norm while you compute the condition
> number in the 1-norm. The second one is that the estimate for the condition
> number may not be accurate. The third one is that the bound for the error in
> the solution may not be tight.
> But this is how scientific computing usually works. You cannot prove that
> your computation is correct, but you collect different pieces of data which
> give you more and more confidence in the reliability of your computation.
> One such piece is the residual, another one is the (estimate for the)
> condition number. If they are low, it suggests you may be fine. If they are
> high, it serves as a warning light.

OK, I don't want to go against the current of what most users seem to
be expecting. (Plus, all that sounds reasonable, even if personnally
if I wanted something 100% reliable for a scientific computation, I
would just use a fail-proof algorithm that is insensitive to the
condition number, e.g. FullPivLU instead of PartialPivLU, and be done
with it.)

> Of course, this whole discussion is academic until somebody actually
> implements the routine for estimating the condition number.

Let me re-ask: do you confirm it's OK to add as new API without
changing existing API? Then it can be done at any time in the future.


> Cheers,
> Jitse

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