Re: [eigen] clang/llvm status

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Thomas Capricelli wrote:
You might have heard about the recent news that clang is now able to compile boost. This was specifically targetted by the clang dev as boost is a heavy user of c++/templates and is known to push compilers to their limits. Also, i think they patched boost by themselves when needed. Nevertheless, this is a very great step for them.

This made me going for another attempt to test this on eigen.. and after some fixes, i can now compile most of the test ( i would say ~80%). The few ones i've run did actually pass.

My own project, based on eigen, can now compile entirely with clang/llvm, even using sse3, though i have one little problem: it seems that enabling sse3 makes my code segfault on the part using sse3... I'll test this some more.

NT² compile son clang since last bosot'con thansk to Doug Gregor. On the SSEx part, beware that currently, some alignment related clang code is not patched yet. We're working with the clang guy on that.

Joel Falcou - Assistant Professor
PARALL Team - LRI - Universite Paris Sud XI
Tel : (+33)1 69 15 66 35

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