Re: [eigen] still the solve() API debate

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On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> OK, coming back to seriousness: I like your idea, I'm just not sure
> about the INOUT name. Maybe the more verbose EIGEN_REF_TO_TEMPORARY
> would be more explicit as to what it does and why we have to do it?

Of course, anything would be fine here...

> +1 to Hauke's idea to keep rvalue refs in mind;

Actually Gael's, I just moved the const. :)

Ok, I just did some reading (this is a cool article:
and then I recalled something from "Effective STL" which confused me a
bit. One item in "Effective STL" deals with "the swap trick" to trim
the capacity of std::vector....

Now I was wondering how this should work facing the rvalue issue we
are having with swap since the idea is to swap a vector with a
temporary rvalue object that is empty. After looking at the
std::vector::swap implementation I recognized that it is implemented
as expected with a non-const reference, so how can this work? Well,
swap is commutative and what they do is simply to put the rvalue
object on the left-hand-side like this:

std::vector<double> v(10000,1.0);
std::vector<double>().swap(v); // as opposed to ...
// v.swap(std::vector<double>())

So, now I am just asking... could we not just use void
MatrixBase::swap(MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) and force the user
to use e.g.

MatrixXf a,b,c;

I am just wondering...

Going back to the solve API. What about

MagicReturnType<...> solve(const MatrixBase<...>& b) const; // and
void solve(MatrixBase<...>& b) const;

For the first one we may pass rvalue objects and everything is fine
and for the second one, well, rvalue objects don't make any sense...
so here we don't care.


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