Re: [eigen] Specialized QR |
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On Wed, 20 May 2009, Benoit Jacob wrote:
Unless someone who knows better disagrees, I think that in plain QR
decompositions (not RRQR) it's pretty safe to assume that the Q matrix
is wanted.
I'm not so sure. Suppose you solve Ax = b via QR. The steps are: factor
A = QR, compute y = Q^{-1} b = Q^T b, solve the triangular system Rx = y.
So you don't need Q, but only Q^T b. To form Q, you apply O(n^2) Givens
rotations to the identity matrix, total cost O(n^3). But you can compute
Q^T b by applying the Givens rotations directly to the vector b, for a
cost of only O(n^2).
I'm not sure about the details. And I don't know a use case for
solving Ax = b by QR instead of LU. But I note that LAPACK has routines
for the factorization (with and without pivoting) without computing Q, for
computing Q, and for computing Q (or Q^T) times a vector [1]. And Golub &
van Loan say something similar in the context of Householder QR for least
squares problems.
Givens rotations, that is the loop
for (int i = k1; i < cols; ++i){
tmp = m_R.coeff(k1, i);
m_R.coeffRef(k1, i) = ei_conj(o1)*m_R.coeff(k1, i)
+ ei_conj(o2)*m_R.coeff(k2, i);
m_R.coeffRef(k2, i) = o1*m_R.coeff(k2, i) - o2*tmp;
are used in many algorithms, for instance SVD (in the algorithm we're
using at the moment) and GMRES (iterative method for solving Ax = b). So
if possible we should have an optimized version in a separate function.