Re: [eigen] projects using Eigen2 ?

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Interesting that you bring up the RoS!

I discovered it about 3 months ago and did some testing last month.
Was very happy with it and managed to convince our CTO to take the
dive and allow us to re-organise our control environment. Now we're
having fun doing the programming, even sent in my first patch to RoS

Daniel Stonier

2008/12/1 Timothy Hunter <tjhunter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I am using Eigen to develop some robot controllers as well - for ROS, the
> Robotic Operated System developed by Willow Garage. The source code is
> hosted on sourceforge ( I think) . I am
> offline, but I will get the exact directory if you are interested.
> The code includes so far a linear quadratic regulator, and when I have time
> I will try to get DDP and MPC control (which means having a convex
> optimization module as well)
> I am keeping the template based structure in the same spirit as the rest of
> Eigen for a potential integration, but my understanding so far is that Eigen
> is for basic linear algebra. After seeing the discussions regarding the FFT,
> it might be good to split some core functionality and some more
> advanced/experimental modules?
> Daniel, you might be interested in ROS, all the source code is BSD/LGPL :)
> I am also promoting it at the university over the old-fashion matrix wrapper
> around gslblas that is circulating around :) We may put some of our projects
> in a public repository as well.
> Regards
> Tim Hunter
> On Saturday 29 November 2008 16:14:58 Benoit Jacob wrote:
>> Wonderful! Any link?
>> 2008/11/29 Daniel Stonier <d.stonier@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> > We're currently using Eigen2 for our control programs (navigation and
>> > arm control) at Yujin Robot - a robotics company in Seoul.
>> >
>> > 2008/11/29 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> >> 2008/11/27 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> >>>> So if you want your application/project appears in that list, please
>> >>>> send it to the list (with a one sentence description, a link if any,
>> >>>> etc.). Currently I'm aware of:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> - KDE (kgllib, kglengine2d, solidkreator)
>> >>>
>> >>> We'd need to check if anything in trunk/KDE uses kgllib or kglengine2d
>> >>> before calling that KDE (if we stick to the definition that KDE is
>> >>> trunk/KDE i.e. only the base modules).
>> >>
>> >> I forgot, but a few screensavers in trunk/KDE/kdeartwork do use Eigen.
>> >> That means that as of 4.2 we can really claim to be used in KDE ;)
>> >>
>> >> The screensavers in question are at least kpendulum and krotation.
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> Benoit
>> >>
>> >> ---
>> >
>> > ---
>> ---
> --
> Timothy Hunter
> Student (Stanford University)
> T. 404 421 3075


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