[crisos] personalized firmware and prebuilt packages?

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I have built a personalized firmware. I noticed that the SDK Makefile
check-out openwrt trunk. Will I get a more stable OS if I change this
to branches/8.09, or must the crisos patches be applied on the more
current trunk version of openwrt?

I installed the binary package usbutils, but lsusb gives me the
following error if I have a usb2serial or usb-audio device connected:
lsusb (pid 619) segfaults for page address 00000000 at pc 3557323c
I have not tried yet to compile my own usbutils. Could this error be
because of incompatibility between my personalized firmware and the
packages in  http://download.tuxfamily.org/crisos/repository/darwinfox/all?

Thank you!


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