Re: [crisos] rt73usb driver

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Hi Jaco,

2008/5/13 Jaco <jacotb@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
>  is the kmod-rt73 version in the repository the latest version? I am having
> trouble connecting to my university network (80211X authentication). Neither
> does it connect to a WPA or open access point. I'm getting these error
> messages everytime:
>  ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
>  WEXT auth param 5 value 0x0 - State: SCANNING -> ASSOCIATING
>  wpa_driver_wext_set_operstate: operstate 0->0 (DORMANT)
>  WEXT: Operstate: linkmode=-1, operstate=5
>  wpa_driver_wext_associate
>  WEXT: Driver did not support SIOCSIWAUTH for AUTH_ALG, trying SIOCSIWENCODE
>  ioctl[SIOCSIWGENIE]: Operation not supported
>  ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
>  WEXT auth param 0 value 0x1 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
>  WEXT auth param 1 value 0x1 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
>  WEXT auth param 2 value 0x1 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
>  WEXT auth param 3 value 0x0 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
>  WEXT auth param 10 value 0x0 - ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported
>  WEXT auth param 8 value 0x1 - Association request to the driver failed
>  Setting authentication timeout: 5 sec 0 usec
>  EAPOL: External notification - portControl=ForceAuthorized
>  RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
>  Wireless event: cmd=0x8b2a len=8
>  RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
>  Wireless event: cmd=0x8b06 len=8
>  RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
>  Wireless event: cmd=0x8b04 len=12
>  RTM_NEWLINK: operstate=0 ifi_flags=0x11003 ([UP][LOWER_UP])
>  Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=15
>  Authentication with 00:00:00:00:00:00 timed out.
>  BSSID 00:18:84:24:b1:ee blacklist count incremented to 2
Are you using wpa_supplicant?

I discover that rt73 don't support wpa_supplicat, quoting by README:
    wpa_supplicant is a userland WPA/WPA2/802.1X layer. This driver is
    not compatible with it. As most wpa_supplicant features are
    embedded into our driver, you should not need it though.

Always on README suggest to use:

       a) WEP (802.11b)
          Choose the authentication mode (open/restricted):
             # iwconfig wlan0 key open
             # iwconfig wlan0 key restricted
          Set the encryption key:
             # iwconfig wlan0 key <KEY>

       b) WPA (802.11g)
          Set the authentication mode:
             # iwpriv wlan0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK
          Set the encryption key:
             # iwpriv wlan0 set WPAPSK=<KEY>
          Set the encryption type:
             # iwpriv wlan0 set EncrypType=TKIP

       c) WPA2 (802.11i)
          Set the authentication mode:
             # iwpriv wlan0 set AuthMode=WPA2PSK
          Set the encryption key:
             # iwpriv wlan0 set WPAPSK=<KEY>
          Set the encryption type:
             # iwpriv wlan0 set EncrypType=AES

A patch for wap supplicat is also given, if need I will try to patch
wpa_supplicant soon as possible.

>  I am using the D-Link DWL-G122 usb dongle.
>  Any suggestions? Maybe the version on this page could be added to the
> repositories:

Inside TODO list :) this shouldn't be impossible


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