[crisos] Perl, PHP, and SNMP

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Hi.  First, EXCELLENT Project!  I really like this – thanks so much! J


I am trying to get a few things to work.  When I try to get Perl to work, I get the following:


root@CrisOs:/etc/init.d# /usr/bin/microperl -V

Can't locate Config.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.9 .).

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.


PHP can’t use the snmpget command


I can’t figure out how to load MIBS for the SNMP daemon. 


I’m just a newbie with Linux and especially with the Foxboard.  I searched Google for these in reference to openwrt but I couldn’t find anything useful.


Any and all help is appreciated.











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