[CBLX] Vinux 3.2 / 3.2.1 disponible!

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désormais avec Vinux 3.2.1 qui vient de sortir, il y a enfin une interface
(et donc enfin une solution) pour qu'un dv puisse se faire seul (sur base de
unetbootin) une clé USB Bootable Vinux.
A vous de voir si vous avez envie d'y jeter un coup d'oeil.
Une chose est sûre, je n'ai jamais trouvé de solution qui marche pour se
faire en console une clé bootable, Ubuntu par exemple. 

<snip (posté sur ubuntu-accessibility ml)>
----- Forwarded message from Tony Sales <tony.sales rncb.ac.uk> -----

Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 08:03:15 +0000

Vinux 3.2.1 is now available for download in 32/64bit in CD/DVD versions. The main difference between this and the recently released Vinux 3.2 is that by default it boots with Pulseaudio running in 'user' mode rather than 'system' mode. This prevents pulseaudio from crashing at boot on a small number of sound cards, but it means that speakup is not available from the live CD or immediately after installation. However there are now two simple commands for switching Pulseaudio from user to system mode in conjunction with a reboot of the machine. This version also includes an accessible zenity front end for Unetbootin which allows users to install Vinux to a USB pendrive with persistent storage. Users who have already installed Vinux 3.2 can upgrade to this version quite easily without having to reinstall.

Tony Sales

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</snip (posté sur ubuntu-accessibility ml)>


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