[CBLX] Annonce: Vinux 3.1 Released

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----- Forwarded message from Anthony Sales <tony.sales@xxxxxxxxxx> -----

From: Anthony Sales <tony.sales@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 23:03:06 +0000

	Vinux 3.1 Released

I am pleased to announce that Vinux 3.1 (Based on Ubuntu 10.10) is now ready for download from the Vinux mirrors! It is currently available as a CD or DVD in both 32 and 64bit versions (USB and Virtual versions will follow shortly). It has been a long time coming, but hopefully it will be worth the wait.  On top of all the usual accessibility software, new features include a Quick Start Guide for beginners (Ctrl+Alt+Q), Autokey-GTK which can insert text automatically as you type based on pre-defined abbreviation, the Parcellite Clipboard Manager which allows you paste text from the clipboard history, X-Tile which allows you to tile windows automatically, Gnome Media Player as an accessible front-end to VLC, Conkeror a keyboard controlled Web Browser, Pidgin the Internet Messenger (with all the plugins) and Gufw a simple but effective Firewall Manager. For more detailed information checkout the full announcement on the Vinux Development Blog! You can get a copy of Vinux 3.1 from http://vinux.org.uk/downloads !

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

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