Re: [AD] Adding a preferred window adapter parameter for going fullscreen window |
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On 11/27/2016 7:46 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
On 11/27/2016 12:50 PM, Edgar Reynaldo wrote:It's not the unmaximize behavior, it's the switch from fullscreen window to window (al_set_display_flag(display , ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW , false). The restore behavior (al_set_display_flag(display , ALLEGRO_MAXIMIZE , false) works fine. There is code in there to deliberately center the window on the display, ignoring the previous position of the window.Whoops. Still think it's a bug, as this doesn't happen on Linux.Question : Wouldn't adding a member to the WIN_DISPLAY_DRIVER struct mess with ABI compatibility?No, it's not part of the public ABI, so it's fine to change as you want. -SL
So what would the preferred course of action be then?We can allow a user to set a preferred full screen window adapter, or we can choose to go full screen window on the monitor that the window is currently over. Which would be prefereable? Perhaps both?
We could have a display option called ALLEGRO_PREFERRED_WINDOW_ADAPTER with a value set to the adapter preferred to go full screen window on when setting the display flag ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW? Would it override the adapter set with al_set_new_display_adapter or would it only succeed it? Ie. New displays get created on the 'new_display_adapter', and subsequent calls to al_set_display_option(display , ALLEGRO_PREFERRED_WINDOW_ADAPTER , adapter) would move the window onto the specified adapter? Should it move a window or only control the monitor that it goes full screen window on? Would it move the full screen window onto another monitor if it was already full screen? If you can answer some of these questions, I can begin to work on a patch for it.
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