Re: [AD] Adding a preferred window adapter parameter for going fullscreen window

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On 11/27/2016 12:50 PM, Edgar Reynaldo wrote:
It's not the unmaximize behavior, it's the switch from fullscreen window
to window (al_set_display_flag(display , ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW ,
false). The restore behavior (al_set_display_flag(display ,
ALLEGRO_MAXIMIZE , false) works fine. There is code in there to
deliberately center the window on the display, ignoring the previous
position of the window.

Whoops. Still think it's a bug, as this doesn't happen on Linux.

Question : Wouldn't adding a member to the WIN_DISPLAY_DRIVER struct
mess with ABI compatibility?

No, it's not part of the public ABI, so it's fine to change as you want.


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