Re: [AD] android example

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I think Thomas is right. It's a lot easier to copy that one example into your own project than it is to hack out all the CMake to create one from the other examples... plus like I said, the method most examples use is not sufficient for a real world game.

On 04/12/2015 9:04 PM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 6:39 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom <thomas@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The idea behind that one example is to give people something they can
literally just copy and paste into a new project, make a couple modifications
and get a working app.

Not if they want to try in the x86_64 emulator. If we move it into examples, they still can copy it, and it will even work in the emulator. That architecture problem could be fixed of course in cmake - I just don't want to mess with cmake when there already would be a simple working solution. Right now it just seems that this one special-cased example is bit-rotting a bit compared to the proper examples.

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