Re: [AD] android example

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On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think it’s just because it used to be the only example, and we didn’t have CMake able to build for Android.


IMO it is still useful because you get to see the structure of an Android project. The CMake that builds the examples is simplified, at least I know for my projects I use a special build for Android with a directory like that example. It’s good to know the directory structure so you can use it or set up your own CMake script to build your Android project. Like for example, the examples use a generic AndroidManifest.xml whereas you often need to add things that the tools can’t do via command line. And many other things.


If possible I think it’d be better to keep it and set the correct architectures and stuff, or at least put it in misc/ and allow users to build it manually if they want to try it out or something.

Hm, I'd rather make the other examples have that same structure, so we avoid all the duplicated cmake code. Once you run cmake, there's an Android project for every example in build/examples/ex_*.proj/. To me they look very similar, and you can use them as base for your own game just like the android/example one - but I may be wrong. The official way to build if you download the SDK form Google these days seems to be "gradle"... so maybe at some point we could change to that.

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