Re: [AD] OSX fixes

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On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 3:28 AM, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'll chalk that one up to experience ... git always seems to find a new way to surprise.

Basically I had the code working *for me* using the 64-bit compiler v7, then Travis told me I'd used some features that weren't in the v6 compiler, then Trent told me I'd used some features that weren't in the 32-bit runtime.

So the history looks like some substantial changes followed by a series of  one-liners which ideally I would have squashed using interactive rebase. However, as I understand it, it's not good to rebase code that's been pushed already (?)

Anyway it should be good now until someone else finds a bug!

Yes, usually I always prefer squashing a pull request to just one or a few commits which make sense later when bisecting for a bug. But I suppose once a merge has been pushed, short of force pushing, there's no way to untangle it. Reverting just adds another commit on top undoing all the changes from the merge, from what I understand.

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