Re: [AD] OSX fixes

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Err... were those commits in a position to be merged? Do we need to revert them and remerge with the fixes?


On 11/21/2015 02:42 PM, Elias Pschernig wrote:

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    OK I have fixed that last bug, the PR is still there though it seems
    that most of the commits have been pulled into the 5.1 branch anyway?

I noticed an accidental extra commit when I pushed something else:

But I couldn't figure out what i did since the above link is just
empty... I suppose I had your PR merged without realizing. Guess I need
to go and learn some more git.

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