Re: [AD] OSX fixes |
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PeteTo whoever is in charge of Travis - should the script be modified to add a 32-bit build for OS X?Always a new thing to learn, eh? Anyway it should be a straightforward patch to go back to using the 'old' way, I'll get on it today.Hi Trent,Thanks for taking the time to check this out. It seems that the Obj-C runtime for i386 and x64 is different, and the former requires the instance variables for each class to be declared in the interface. For x64 it's enough to use the @property modifier and the variable is synthesized automatically (this is the origin of _menu). See here for discussion: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 at 01:55 Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Ok, the instructions worked fine.
So at first I built your patch, Peter, for x86_64 only and that worked fine. Then I noticed it wasn’t built for i386 and when I built that way I ran into a little problem.
/Users/trent/code/allegro/addons/native_dialog/osx_dialog.m:544:15: error: 'ALLEGMenuTarget' does not have a member named '_menu'; did you mean 'amenu'?
self->_menu = [[NSMenu alloc] init];
/Users/trent/code/allegro/addons/native_dialog/osx_dialog.m:370:19: note: 'amenu' declared here
/Users/trent/code/allegro/addons/native_dialog/osx_dialog.m:567:12: error: 'ALLEGMenuTarget' does not have a member named '_menu'; did you mean 'amenu'?
[self->_menu release];
/Users/trent/code/allegro/addons/native_dialog/osx_dialog.m:370:19: note: 'amenu' declared here
Those two lines do not compile here. I’m building with the 10.11 SDK and deployment target set to 10.6. It suggested changing _menu to amenu but that doesn’t look correct? Maybe you know how to fix this?
Besides that (which I got around by just accepting the “amenu” substitution), I didn’t experience any problems while testing a game with the patch. It launched up fine, switched between fullscreen window and windowed fine and input worked fine.
> On Nov 11, 2015, at 6:21 PM, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Since you are a project member you can click on the "view command line instructions" next to the Merge button. But basically it's:
> git pull --rebase git:// osx-fixes
> Then you will have his commits at the very top of the git history with "git log". (The github instructions actually keep the timeline and do a merge, but I find that more confusing.)
> To delete all the changes again just do:
> git checkout .
> And you will be back at the Allegro5 master.
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 8:10 PM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have not yet understood how to test these pull requests without lots of messing with my checkout. What’s the easiest way?
> From: Allegro-developers [mailto:allegro-developers-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter Hull
> Sent: November 10, 2015 1:59 PM
> To: allegro-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [AD] OSX fixes
> Hi all,
> I've put in a pull request relating to some general fixes for OS X to make it work on 10.11.
> Hopefully the CI build will pass. Sorry it's a whole string of commits but I couldn't get them to apply separately (git skills insufficient) - let me know if there's a better way.
> Pete
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