Re: [AD] Windows binary suggestion

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On 08/03/2015 06:01 AM, Trent Gamblin wrote:
But I guess in the end the best thing is to build
Allegro yourself to meet your needs if you're going to be distributing
anything, and use the binaries to get you started...

I think that no matter what we do, sometimes this will just have to be the best way forward.

Anyway, going back to the dlls. In principle, dlls are there so you can replace them without distributing the entire game's binary. The more dlls you have, the more fine-grained patches you can make. Perhaps, however, it is not important to replace the dependency dlls since, with few exceptions, Allegro's dependencies are very stable and don't need to be replaced? If that's the case, perhaps there's no issue in statically linking the dependencies into the dlls (this is definitely possible, it's just not currently done). If there's some issue, you'd just replace the Allegro dlls. How does that sound?


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