Re: [AD] Windows binary suggestion

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I don't mind doing it, although in my mind, once you have a dll, it doesn't matter how many there are: i.e. I'd just use static linking in this case.

Maybe there's something to be said about making statically linked Allegro dlls, but I don't really know what's best. It's a bit of a pain to have to make 6-12 different kinds of binaries because people have this weird issue about dlls (shouldn't a professional game use and installer and just place a shortcut on the desktop, thus making the user not care about what actually is inside the game directory?).

As for additional formats, we can either document that only those few are guaranteed to be cross platform, or remove those extra formats on Windows. I think that, with care, it's still possible to create a cross-platform game that loads different formats on different platforms.

It is awkward with that 8 bit png limitation, however.


On 08/02/2015 07:35 AM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
I think that's risky for two reasons:

1. The native loaders understand additional formats, so someone might go
and read e.g. gifs then be surprised they don't work on other platforms.

2. The native loaders only support a limited subset of .png (e.g.
paletted ones don't work in 8-bit mode) - so for consistency it would be
better to always use libpng unless you really know what you are doing.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 3:48 AM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:trent@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    I think next time the Windows binaries are built they should be
    build with
    -DWANT_NATIVE_IMAGE_LOADER, so libpng/libjpeg aren't needed.



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