Re: [AD] Transferring bugs to github?

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The transfer is now complete. I've adjusted the website bugtracker link to point to github as well.


On 08/09/2015 08:43 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
It's a very rough lower bound on the number of issues we have, since a
good few reside in a TODO list on my desktop, and quite a few are in the
ephemeral threads on Quite a few of the bugs are for
Allegro, which we could in principle close, but I'll transfer them as is
for now.


On 08/08/2015 11:53 PM, Beoran wrote:
The transfer seems fine, but I'm surprised to see that there are so
many issues. After we import them we should probably triage them to
see which ones we will and won't implement , and perhaps make new
issues that describe the actions better.

Kind Regards,



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