Re: [AD] Transferring bugs to github?

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So I explored this further.

Here's a test repository where I have transferred all bugs and feature requests from SourceForge:

Some representative issues:

allebot is a dummy account I intend to use for transfer to the actual Allegro repository. The way github works, you cannot make comments on behalf of other users, so all the comments are made by allebot. I tried to make it clear who was the original author with a little header. This is the only part that is impossible to change, but many other format things I can probably alter.

Any comments?


On 08/01/2015 07:18 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
Should we transfer the bugs from sourceforge to github? I looked into
it, and it's in principle possible to do in a minimally lossy way. I can
handle the actual work involved, but am looking for any opinions on
whether that's something that we should do. I feel like the reason we
don't get that many bug reports via sourceforge (instead, we basically
get all of them via is that its system is a bit of a pain to
use, and perhaps we'd get more reports using github's slightly better


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