Re: [AD] The website

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I'm contributing to another project on and they want to move away because it has been unmaintained for several years - there's a few volunteers with access to the server (and they are in IRC so that is good), but apparently no bugs can be fixed or features added any longer. This was about a year ago though so maybe things actually have changed since, but should make sure isn't about to die.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2015 19:14:30 +1000, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What about more full featured hosts?  Possibilities include: Savannah,
> Gna, Launchpad.  Launchpad looks the most promising so far.  Imports and
> exports are possible by manual request.  Their mailing lists are
> associated with "teams" not projects.  We wouldn't be registering a
> project only to ignore most of the services.

On further review, everyone who wishes to subscribe to the list would
require a Launchpad account, and postings by Launchpad members who are
not "team" members would be held for approval.  While it would be
workable, we don't want any unnecessary complications.

What about Gna?  Gna doesn't support git (yet?) and Savannah does, but
Savannah has stringent requirements for project approval that I don't
wish to deal with now.



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