Re: [AD] [alleg:bugs] #371 ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN leaves a small part undrawn

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On 2015-03-15 6:11 PM, ElectricSolstice wrote:

Well, uncommenting out line 396 on xdisplay.c seems to fix this, but I don't really know why that was commented out in the first place and it's been commented out in the code for a long while. I'm not sure but I think it's due to the NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN hint not being set since that will get set during ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW but not during ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN due to that line commented out.

Someone needs to check this on a few WMs. Most importantly KDE's (whatever it is now) and Unity. If it works there it's fine... however don't rely on no alt-tab within real fullscreen, that's a bug that I want to fix at some point.

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