Re: [AD] Android Gamepads

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On 2014-09-08 8:45 AM, Elias Pschernig wrote:
I think we can drop Android 2.x support, by the time Allegro 5.2 is out there will hardly be any left. But if it's easy enough to use a different joystick driver for 3.1+ only, we should do that instead.

It requires using some constants that are in 3.1 only so I don't think we can keep 2.x compatibility.

As for accelerometers, that can probably just be a joystick (with 3 or 6 axes). Things like a steering wheel or gas pedal or thrust control on a flight stick also would just appear as a joystick axis right now so in general we don't want a different event source for different types of axes.


Ok I don't know when I'll have time to implement this but I will eventually.

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